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Question 1: What is development

Amartya Sen approaches development with freedom as the main pillar that supports all other factors. These factors that contributes to development includes the types of freedoms such as economic, polictical, and personal to the unfreedoms that needs to be removed such as poverty, lack of econmic oppoutunities, and dictatorship.

Question 2: Is this an expansive or narrower view of development?

The view that development is closely tied to freedom is a very broad view of what is development. Before reading the chapter, my idea of development was only limited to something along the lines of technological developments and modernerlization as the gauge or measurement of determining how developed a country or place was. However, Amartya Sen expanded on these two points by highlighting that technological advancements, growth of GNP, etc are only the result of different types of freedoms, but not the method to increase development.

Question #3: What are some of the sources of unfreedoms development requires being removed?

Amartya Sen states that all over the world there are countless people still being deined their basic freedoms in this modern age. Specifcally, poverty, social injustice, and lack of basic education that stems from the lack of econmic oppourtunites. Furthermore, the lack of access to public facilities such as hospitals provents individuals to be healthy enough to acutally persue freedoms and eliminate unfreedoms. On the other hand, Tyranny and dictatorship bring about many other unfreedoms. censorship, the control of media serverely limits/eliminates freedom of speech of the people.

Question #4: Why is free and sustainable agency a major engine of development?

Free and sustainable agency such as democracy and a market economy greatly increase the power of the individual. When an individual has the ability to explore and pursue goals it fuels the speed of development for the better. For example econmic freedom in a market economy allows the individual to transact freely, and typically ths process leads to an increase of wealth, and opportunties. In the end, money could be a big factor of motivation and econmic freedom could be closely tied to economic effiency.

Question 5: What does Amartya Sen say about being generically against markets?

Like I stated in question 4, economic freedom could be closely related economic effiency. However, the opposite side of this is that free economy increases the distribution of wealth, and widens the income inequality. Where the labor class stay the same, but the wealthy gains more wealth. Furthermore, market could lead to an decrease in work place safety and regulation as well as degredation of the enviornment in the pursuit of wealth.

Question #6. What was the story of Kader Mia? What was the penalty of his economic unfreedom?

The story of Kader Mia was a tragic one. Because of the conflicts between religions in the area, mobs of people have been on the streets and fights broke out on a daily basis. Kader was unemployed with no savings left to support his family, and they were on the verge of starvation. Which forced Kader to wal out of his house to a dangous part of town in search of work. Unfortunately, the economic unfreedom led him to his end.

Question #7. Who were Condorcet and Malthus? What were their primary arguments regarding development and fertility?

Condorcet was a French rationalist that argued with the increase in freedom, education, and security of the people, fertility rate would decrease naturally. However, Malthus aruged other wise. He believed that freedom would bring about more people into the population and there would be no difference. These two beliefs where one advocate for freedom, where the other is againist freedom in the context of development had been debated for centuries.