question 1
Data science not only encompass the application of mathmatical models for data sets. Using biology as an example, many studies and research relies on empirical data witht the combination of qualitative obervation as the pillars to support or reject a hypotheses. It is not after consistant testing and results that a theory is formed. Anderson argues that this scientific process is unecessary where using big data and machine learning complex phenomonons are presented to us rather than hypothesized. In science the imagination of what could be is limited and time consuming, which is understandable taking into account the traditional method of guessing, testing, and proving or disproving. In Kitchin’s article, he had the same approach to data where he states “radically modifies the existing scientific method by blending aspects of abduction, induction and deduction”. However, this approached is difficult to apply to the humanities and social science wehre concepts and theroies are multilayered and difficult to define. In these instances big data should serve as the complement to the tradtional apporach such as surveys small studies, and the interpretation of these data will also poses another set of challenges.